In Perfektion und mit über
50-jähriger Erfahrung für führende Unternehmen in der ganzen Welt.
Environmental Policy

It is our philosophy, that sustainable energy management is indispensable for modern companies. Based on this social responsibility, 100% of our electricity comes from environmentally sustainable generation sources. Solar cells on our new production centre, constructed in 2015, produce 10% of our entire electricity consumption. Our state-of-the-art HVACR with extensive energy recovery guarantees the climate control in the production hall and the adjacent office complex and works 100% without fossil fuels.

TWS certificate
We consider sustainable energy management a social responsibility. For this, our company was awarded the climate protection certificate (left).
Involvement in the
CCI Energy Impulse Network
The efficient use of energy plays a significant role on our corporate culture. We therefore assume our responsibility concerning the conservation of resources and are a member of the CCI Energy Impulse Network Bodensee-Oberschwaben.
The aim of the network is to realise energy savings potentials, further the exchange of experiences between the companies and to ensure the sustainable and efficient use of energy (right).